FSSAI Registration


Our License Experts will help you to get FSSAI License

Food LIcense is mandatory for the companies who doing activities related to Food Manufacuring, Reselling of Food Items, Food Distribution and transportation. If an entity doing a business relate to food with food license will be fined Rs.5 Lacs or 6 Months of jail.

Know about Food License

FSSAI is affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. FSSAI was established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. The FSSAI certificate is the same as the FSSAI license and ensures quality, purity and other important factors that customers can rely on.

Types of Food License

Sample of License


What all the documents required to get FSSAI Food License?

Who Needs a FSSAI FoSCos License?

Food license is madatory for those entities who is doing a business related to food.
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