Legal Notices


What is a Legal Notice?

Legal Notice is nothing but a Legal Intimation sent to the opposite party stating that the lawsuit is being filed against the concern matter. A legal notice is a formal and legal way of communicaiton to peson and organisation or entity informing the party is gonna take legal actions. Once sent, the notice communicates your intentions before legal proceedings are initiated, making that party aware of your complaint.

When you should send Legal Notice?

Send notice for Property disputes
Send notice for Mortgage Issues
Send notice for delay in possession
Send notice for Fraud by the builder
Send notice for partition of family property, etc.

Send notice to Manufacturer, Comapnies, Individuals in case of Legal matters.
Send Notice in case of Cheque Bounce.
Notices regarding personal conflicts such as divorce, alimony, child custody, division of maternal property, etc.

What to do after receiving a legal notice?

It is recommended to reply to the notification within the specified time, as failure to reply to the notification may bring benefits to the recipient.
Read the Legal notice Properly do not miss any point:
Properly reading the legal notice is important to understand the issues and concerns raised by the other party. After thoroughly reading the notice, if the recipient feels that the issues raised in the notice can be resolved amicably, a dialogue should begin immediately.
Get in touch with us asap
If what is mentioned in the notice is not clear, then a Legal Company must be contacted who can take further legal action in the matter. Furthermore, the time when the notice was received must be recorded, which can be advantageous even if the other party takes the matter to court.
Notify it to lawyer
You must escalate the entire matter to your appointed attorney, providing him with all necessary information regarding the facts, place, time and events relevant to the issue, which will assist your attorney in drafting an appropriate response to express your argument.

What if you did not respond to Legal Notice?

If the legal notice is not responded to within the stipulated period, the aggrieved party will ultimately file a lawsuit in the appropriate court. Once a case is filed in the court, the court will order the defendant to appear in court and answer the charges brought by the other party.
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